On May 9th the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads issued an order which essentially gives the thumbs-up to Option 2.3 as had been found acceptable to the Village Board and businesses in the area. For anyone interested in seeing what an OCR order actually looks like, you can view the May 9th order by clicking here. It's not the most exciting reading of all time, but it certainly accomplishes what we were hoping for. The Village wishes to thank our state legislators, DOT Secretary, DOT Staff, Bill McCoshen, and others who worked hard to move this process along quickly.
The DOT, Village staff and others are now working diligently to move forward with plans for project construction in 2014. The Village's Central Business District task force is meeting on May 29th to finalize plans for the streetscaping work, and the DOT recently held a progress meeting regarding technical aspects of the project.
Now that timing is better understood and that last piece of the design puzzle is approved, I will schedule another meeting on the Sustain Main Campaign. This relates to our work to best market our downtown commercial businesses, protect the residential-sensitive areas, as well as install appropriate signage for motorists and pedestrians during construction. Feel free to contact me by email or at 850-5227 if you'd like to help our efforts to "sustain main" during construction in 2014.
QUICK REMINDER - I will be at the Chamber Depot tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21st, at 8:30 AM for the Tuesday Morning Briefing on Main. Anyone interested in stopping by with questions about the Main St. project are welcome.