Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Recommended Plan

The Village's Central Business District (CBD) Task Force met this morning to discuss the latest information we have from the DOT on the design options for Main Street between South and Baker. A recommendation from the CBD is going to the Village Board for consideration at their regular meeting at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 15th at Village Hall.

Listed below are the two options offered by the DOT:
The CBD endorses Option 2.3 because it addresses pedestrian safety and maintains adequate on-street parking, while still gaining the improved pavement surface and streetscape improvements. Further, the DOT has indicated that this plan could be constructed in 2014 should the remaining steps in the process go smoothly. The CBD believes it to be crucial that the full Main St. project be completed in a single construction season, rather than being broken into multiple years of construction/disruption.

This plan will require a small portion of right of way to be purchased by the Village. This plan also requires quick action by the DOT rail bureau and the Office of the Commissioner of Rail. With the DOT Secretary's Office supporting and advocating for this solution, we are hopeful that these approvals will move along expeditiously.

Finally, the CBD feels strongly that the Village must continue to push the discussion on studying regional STH 19 bypass alternatives.

The Village Board meeting on the 15th is open to the public. At that meeting the CBD recommendation will be presented to the Board by CBD Chairperson Geoff Vine. Should the Village Board be in agreement, Option 2.3 will move to the DOT with full Village support.