Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main

The Village is going to begin holding weekly briefings every Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM at the Chamber Depot beginning next week. Typically Village Administrator Todd Schmidt will be in attendance to provide updates and answer questions regarding all that is going on with the Main Street project. If Todd is unavailable, another staff member will hold the briefing.

We will make the effort to hold these weekly at least until the Main Street project is finished (anticipated end of 2014 - yet to be confirmed). Yes, that likely means nearly 100 briefings, but it is an effort we are willing to make to keep everyone informed and involved.

While Main Street will be the main topic of discussion, we will be willing to address any questions or concerns regarding Village issues, services, business and development. Anyone is welcome to attend, and it's BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee).